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This premium class currency converter includes 191 currencies from all over the world with online updated conversion rates. Every single thing in this converter is created with top-level usability in mind including:

- Specially designed big keyboard
- Simple currency selection with currency search function
- High contrast layout that is visible even in bright sunlight
- Works offline

- This converter even has some historical currencies like: German Mark, Spanish Peseta, French Franc, Italian Lira and many more. We have included also rates for gold, silver, platinum and palladium.


What makes this app special is that it comes with unique "PLUS function" that other converters are missing - Change money calculator.

Just imagine that you are in Mexico and local restaurant accepts payment in both - Mexican Pesos and US dollars. Your bill is 400 pesos, but you have 200 pesos and a 20$ bill in your wallet. Instantly you will ask yourself: "Do I have enough money to pay? How much should I get back in change?"

It is almost impossible to figure this out fast enough. It is here Currency Converter Plus becomes unique helper, that does this calculation for you and you will no longer have to worry about if you have paid correct amount or got correct change back.


- 191 Currencies (incl. some historical currencies like German Mark)
- Online rates update
- Big usable keyboard
- High contrast layout for best visibility
- Plus function - unique return money calculator
- Calculator keyboard - add, subtract, divide and multiply values